identity achievement

美 [aɪˈdentəti əˈtʃiːvmənt]英 [aɪˈdentəti əˈtʃiːvmənt]
  • 网络同一性获得;认同达成型;定向型;定向型统合;同一性达成
identity achievementidentity achievement
  1. The combination of low negative separation-individuation and high extraversion / openness / agreeableness / conscientiousness is the most helpful to university students ' identity achievement .


  2. Besides that openness has direct influence on identity achievement and diffusion , big five personality traits have mainly indirect influence on identity statuses , mediated by causality orientations and self-discrepancy .


  3. Developmental Tasks of Adolescence : Identity Achievement and its Related Factors


  4. It suggested that the exploration and effort were active to career identity achievement .


  5. This study aimed to explore career identity achievement and its correlated factors of individual 's first employment in the changing organization and working environment .


  6. Whether in the general area of self-identity or in the two areas of family functioning , identity diffusion and identity achievement is greater than the impact of identity foreclosure , family functioning and identity were not significantly associated delay . 3 .


  7. Most of the private college students are in the diffusion identity , and moratorium identity , foreclosure identity and achievement identity in turn .


  8. General self-efficacy in the role-playing and interpersonal mediating between identity diffusion , in the role play , problem solving and interpersonal mediating between identity achievement .
